Saturday, December 30, 2006

Saddam Hussein executed

Iraki’s ex-president Saddam Hussein was executed this morning. Sometimes I am not very proud of being a human being.

Can anyone tell me if this is going to solve anything? Is the world a better place as Americans like to say (at least on movies)?

Sunday, December 24, 2006


At the age of about seven French kids are told the truth about Papa Noel / Santa Claus. At what age should we tell them the Truth about Christmas?

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Libertarians in France / Social Security in France

After much despair I found a blog of a fellow libertarian, who deals with the politically incorrect issue of the French Social Security system. Good show and keep up the good work!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Sacrés fonctionnaires!

You have to read this book if you live in France. When I came back to my native land I was really amazed at the size and extreme complexity of the French bureaucracy. I started observing, and analyzing, and judging... Today my cousing N. lent me this recently-published book, written by American Ted Stanger (his blog here). I am on page 78 and haven't disagreed with any word contained in it yet. Find the book in Amazon here.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Johnny Halliday emigrates to Switzerland

French rock star Johnny Halliday is moving to Switzerland in order to pay less taxes. Being myself a hard-core libertarian, I can only say "Good show, Johnny"

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Boycott Christmas - Boycottez Noel

I am getting fed up with all this Christmas shopping idea. First of all, I am not a Christian, so, why should I celebrate anything. I don't celebrate Jewish or Muslim festivities. Why should I celebrate Christian festivities. Secondly, what is all this stuff about gift giving... As if it were compulsory. So, this year, I have decided to resist. I pretty much agree with the ideas of on this subject. Si vous preferez en Français, cliquez ici.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Phone contact with the DaVinci Institute

I recently spoke on the phone with Mr. Thomas Frey, from the DaVinci Institute. I called them to know whether they had some branch here in France. They unfortunately don't. Thomas suggested me to create from scratch a similar kind of organization here in France. Anyone interested out there?

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Ministère de la Culture

The other day I saw an American guy on TV who was surprised that we French had a "Ministere de la Culture" (Department of Culture). That is another stupid heritage of the Communist influence in the French way of governing. "Department of Culture? Why not a Department of Love , too" he added...
The French government is just too big; if you lived here you would see how much interference the governement has on things that just are not his business. Did you know that we French people pay annually an "Audiovisual tax" to support government-sponsored TV channels and movies... Just unbelievable...

Saturday, December 02, 2006

L'euro au plus haut

The Euro is beating all records, sold at over 1.33 dollars per euro yesterday. The impact on our European exports will be felt even deeper. As someone who works in the import-export business this has a deep influence in our way of doing business.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Libertarianism 1

In terms of politics I identify much with the vision called Libertarian. I enjoy very much libertarian podcasts from Canadian speaker Stephan Molyneux.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

American creativity 1

I have always loved the inventiveness, flexibility, and creativity of the American people. Now the US Air Force is moving into cyberspace defense, as you can read on CNN.

Couldn’t be more original.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Tomer Sisley

Last night I went to the Champilambart to see the German-Arab-Jewish-French comedian Tomer Sisley. Tomer Sisley follows pretty much the style of the American stand-up comedians, such as Woody Allen, Jerry Seinfeld, Bob Newhart, Bill Cosby, Martin Lawrence, Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, Ellen DeGeneres, Robin Williams, Jim Carrey, Ray Romano and more recently Dane Cook.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Goverment of the future

I have always reflected about how we humans will be governed in the future. I came across this site today which illustrates what could be the government of the future.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The french social system is a bomb waiting to explode 2

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Mme. Odile Brunet, my girlfriend Christelle's mother, invited us yesterday Nov 1, 2006 to have lunch with her at her house in La Varenne.
At the "appéritif" she delighted us with a medieval drink called Hypocras.
Read Wikipedia's entry on Hypocras here. The recipe for making Hypocras can be found here. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

France 24

I have just learnt of the launching of a new News Channel called France 24. The purpose of France 24 is to challenge the Anglo-Saxon view of the world as proposed by BBC and CNN.

I am eagerly awaiting for its launching.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Alexander, the movie

I have always been fascinated by the person of Alexander the Great (Alexander III of Macedon, King of Macedon, 336–323 BC) as well as the Greek Civilization. I recently bought myself the DVD "Alexander" which I am now enjoying. A must see.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

The french social system is a bomb waiting to explode

Since I came back to France I slowly discovered what is called the French social system.
As more and more people are retiring, the burden imposed on the taxpayers is going to increase dramatically. All my friends who have grown here in France have spoken to me about the worsening of their financial situation, their purchasing power, and their financial net worth.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Trip in Mayenne and Sarthe with my brother Jacques.

Dolmen of Erves, here
More pictures here

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